What I learned from this Game.

Yesterday was the last day of the Game Jam I was taking part in. With the huge hassle on day 3 I am happy that I still managed to complete the game. Even though I am very happy to complete this game an successfully be a part in this Game Jam, there are still some thing I learned from it.

First I underestimated how time consuming designing a Level can be. And it is not only finding a fitting them. You also have to place every Block manually, so the Level looks decent too.

Then there is also the coding part of developing a game: I know how hard it can be to make the unity engine do what you want. But when you have this extra time-pressure every bug is more nerve-racking than ever before. I had to cut some corners pretty ugly, which means that my code (most of the time) only works in the part it is designed to. In addition this made designing Levels even harder.

Due to me having not enough time I had to scrap my entire Boss-Level Idea, which really bugged me.

Nevertheless I liked being part in this game Jam. It clearly was an adventurous experience and I think about taking part in another Jam some time soon.

If you want to check my game out here is the cool embed from itch.io