The difference between a GPU and a CPU

A computer is made out of a lot of different parts. But at some point you may asked yourself: What is the difference between a GPU and a CPU?

The CPU (Central-Processing-Unit) is build with a small, define number of cores. These Cores a very strong and fast, but they also can only do one task at the same time. These cores also have their own, super-fast, memory, the RAM. The CPU performs nearly any task you give your computer, if it is browsing the web, encoding videos, etc... .

On the other side of the spectrum you have the GPU (Graphic-Processing-Unit). You may already noticed it already from it's name, the GPU is advised with every graphical task you hand over to your computer. Instead of having very little strong cores, the GPU has a lot of "weak" cores, which are specialised on doing a lot of task at the same time. It even has its own dedicated RAM, the VRAM. You could say it works after the principal of "Quantity over Quality", which in this case works pretty well. The GPU is not only for rendering games or videos, it is also used in training an AI or mining Crypto-Currencies.

I think it is awesome how two completely different processor architectures a such an important part of everyone's computer. It doesn't matter if it is a Smartphone, laptop, or Desktop PC, every modern PC has a CPU and GPU and both have their role in making our live easier.

This article was updated on February 7, 2024

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