Video Games (11)


Day 2 Building Sucks!

On day 2 I started building the Levels and fixing some bugs. I considered having 5 Levels, but in reality I cheated there a little bit. I said I have 5 Levels, but there are only 3 "true" Levels. The first Level is an tutorial…

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Day 1 Lets Start!

 I started with getting some Assets-Ready from the Unity-Asset-Store. I have never used it before and I kind of regret it, because there are so many awesome things for FREE. With this asset, I also had the base on what I need to. So I…

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I am joining the Game Jam 

Today I decided to join a Game Jam on It is the Mini Jam 152 and the Topic is heroes. I think about making a three to five Level dungeon crawler. In this Game, you are the Hero and you have to defeat a…

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