Video Games (11)


Free 10€ in Clash of Clans

Yes you heard right, for once there is a legit way to get something for free in Clash of Clans. Google wants to promote their new app, Google Play for your desktop. And for this they are giving you 10€ to spendΒ only in COC. Their…

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Animating Hitboxes in Unity

I recently worked on a Video-Game for a game-jam. There I struggled a lot with the hitboxes and damage registration within Unity. But after a little bit of research, I found out how easy it is to Animate the hitbox within Unity. Therefore I now…

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What I learned from this Game.

Yesterday was the last day of the Game Jam I was taking part in. With the huge hassle on day 3 I am happy that I still managed to complete the game. Even though I am very happy to complete this game an successfully be…

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Day 3 Game Finished!

Today I finished the Game. And it was a lot of crunch. Finishing the game was a task I underestimated. First after a lot of work on day 2 I thought to myself: "Finally I can relax a bit..". But then at 7pm, reality struck…

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