Projects (3)


What I learned from this Game.

Yesterday was the last day of the Game Jam I was taking part in. With the huge hassle on day 3 I am happy that I still managed to complete the game. Even though I am very happy to complete this game an successfully be…

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Day 3 Game Finished!

Today I finished the Game. And it was a lot of crunch. Finishing the game was a task I underestimated. First after a lot of work on day 2 I thought to myself: "Finally I can relax a bit..". But then at 7pm, reality struck…

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Day 2 Building Sucks!

On day 2 I started building the Levels and fixing some bugs. I considered having 5 Levels, but in reality I cheated there a little bit. I said I have 5 Levels, but there are only 3 "true" Levels. The first Level is an tutorial…

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