Computer (11)


Is a faster PC a better PC?

Your first answer probably is Yes, of course, with a faster PC you can accomplish a lot more than with just a simple PC. But this concludes that if you don't do anything which needs a powerful PC, you don't need it. Having an extremely…

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When does bottlenecking happen?

A bottleneck is a prosses in a chain of processes which has such a low capacity, that it slows down the entire chain. You probably already see that this is a problem you don't want to have, because it limits the performance of the rest.

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Why portable programs are the best.

This probably already happened once in your live too: You want to use a specific program on your windows machine and then you get this message. You cannot count the times I have seen this pop-up. But instead of giving up here, I started digging.

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The difference between a GPU and a CPU

A computer is made out of a lot of different parts. But at some point you may asked yourself: What is the difference between a GPU and a CPU? TheΒ CPUΒ (Central-Processing-Unit) is build with a small, define number of cores. These Cores a very strong and…

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