Simple Facts why Linux is a Safer Operating System

When you search for a safe operating system it is not Windows or MacOS its Linux and I am going to tell you why.

First of all some Linux distros are Open source, which means everybody can find bugs and report them. You now might say that this is the case with Microsoft and Apple too, but the sheer amount of people who are fixing these bugs is what these companies cannot compete with.

The Kernel used in nearly every Linux distro is also used by the server systems. What I want to say with this is that in the Industrial space, for nearly everything Linux is being used as THE operating system. This means a lot of companies services depend on the Linux Kernel and invest a lot of money to keep it safe and secure.

At last, the personal side of Linux isn't used that often. So, from a money greedy view, it doesn't make sense to develop a virus for an operating system which is hardly used by anybody.

I think everybody who is even the slightest interested in computers should try Linux at least once. You don't have to use it forever, but if you want to understand how this machine you are using works it is an experience you need. 

This article was updated on February 14, 2024

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