Is modding in GTA V ethical?

I recently started modding in GTA V and since then I asked myself multiple times: "Is it ethical correct if I am doing this?". I then went on thinking by myself and these are the pro's and con's I came up with.

You could argue that Rockstar Games is a very lazy and money greedy company. The milked the game now over a decade and for their new title we will have to wait another year. It sometimes even feels like they are making the game more grindier so if you just buy some more shark-cards you could skip thisΒ boring part. Even the missions you do for your businesses (Nightclub, etc.) are more like an idle game ported into the GTA V world. Some people would to rather to that as a Paying-for-Progress

But on the other hand you must see that Rockstar Games has released FREE dlc's for GTA V online for over a decade. You might even be financing GTA VI with every real money transaction you take. Most of the modders also are just ruining the fun for other players. The kill you all the time and prevent you from making any progress.

I don't like this kind of modding.
Personally I only start modding if another modder starts to annoy me, for example if he kills the entire lobby or lets everybody ragdoll (that's when you start falling over all the time). I then just turn on my mods and be immune to these people.

In the end it is your decision to start modding or not. But always remember: It is against the Terms of Service ot the game, you can get banned every second you have started the mod. So look out for yourself and thank you for reading.

This article was updated on February 7, 2024

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