Day 3 Game Finished!

Today I finished the Game. And it was a lot of crunch.

Finishing the game was a task I underestimated. First after a lot of work on day 2 I thought to myself: "Finally I can relax a bit..". But then at 7pm, reality struck me.

I only had little time to finish the game and had so much to do. When I looked back on the Jams website, it also said that there is a limitation you should watch out. The limitation was only two items.

But even without this extra burden I still had to do so much things.
Here are the things I implemented last minute:

  • A death screen.
  • A Level System
  • An GUI
  • A Live System

Because of the little time I had a took a lot of shortcuts, that were just wrong. My code currently works "as is" (it still has a lot of bugs). At least I finished it.

If you want to check the game out it is available on