Day 2 Building Sucks!

On day 2 I started building the Levels and fixing some bugs. I considered having 5 Levels, but in reality I cheated there a little bit.
I said I have 5 Levels, but there are only 3 "true" Levels. The first Level is an tutorial where you learn basic movement etc. And the Last Level is a Big "THANK YOU" banner.

The building of the Levels wasn't very hard. It was just time consuming. On day 1 I prepared a lot of Prefabs for everything, so building the Levels was like Super Mario Maker to me.

I also spend half of the day developing enemies the player can fight against. This turned out to be pretty easy because the same guy who made the Hero sprites I used also made some "Bandit" sprites I could use as enemies. For their attacks I just copied the hitting part of my Hero and made them always look in the direction of the Player. In this way day 2 went pretty smoothly.