David (24)

Hey, I am David, the owner of this blog.
Feel free to have look around and read the articels I write. 

Is LEGO worth its price?

In the recent past I heard a lot about how expensive LEGO is for the amount of bricks they deliver per set. That kept me thinking, why LEGO has these enormous prices. When LEGO invented their clamping blocks, they first had a monopoly for the…

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Why I lost interest in playing Minecraft

Minecraft is the best selling game of all time. With over 300 Million Copys sold, you can say it is quite popular. But in the recent past I have lost the interest in playing it. After thinking a lot about it I could narrow it…

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When does bottlenecking happen?

A bottleneck is a prosses in a chain of processes which has such a low capacity, that it slows down the entire chain. You probably already see that this is a problem you don't want to have, because it limits the performance of the rest.

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Why portable programs are the best.

This probably already happened once in your live too: You want to use a specific program on your windows machine and then you get this message. You cannot count the times I have seen this pop-up. But instead of giving up here, I started digging.

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