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The Rubik's Cubic

I had a thought today... . What if you called the Rubik`s Cube the Rubik`s Cubic instead. This would make a more harmonic name and display how perfect the Rubik`s Cubic (yes I am calling it like this) is. It now has four syllables, displaying…

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Free 10€ in Clash of Clans

Yes you heard right, for once there is a legit way to get something for free in Clash of Clans. Google wants to promote their new app, Google Play for your desktop. And for this they are giving you 10€ to spend only in COC. Their…

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50hz and 60hz, a slight difference which matters

Hertz is a measurements intendent which tells you how often the screen you are using refreshes. A higher refresh rate leads to a more fluent video playback. Historically the European Countries and Australia used the 50hz standard for their TV`s while other ones, like the…

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Why you shouldn't use the Opera (GX) Browser

Many Youtubers, twitch streamers and other influencers are making advertisements for the Opera GX browser. But when I recently browsed the Internet, I found ads for this browser in places where you normally only get malware and stuff like that. This lightened my curiosity because…

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Animating Hitboxes in Unity

I recently worked on a Video-Game for a game-jam. There I struggled a lot with the hitboxes and damage registration within Unity. But after a little bit of research, I found out how easy it is to Animate the hitbox within Unity. Therefore I now…

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How to Jump a ATX Power Supply

In my last blog post I described that my Power Supply has a slight defect. This probably happened after I jumped some Pins on it. The only logical conclusion is, of course, to tell you how to do it yourself. If you destroy your Power…

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What I learned from this Game.

Yesterday was the last day of the Game Jam I was taking part in. With the huge hassle on day 3 I am happy that I still managed to complete the game. Even though I am very happy to complete this game an successfully be…

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Day 3 Game Finished!

Today I finished the Game. And it was a lot of crunch. Finishing the game was a task I underestimated. First after a lot of work on day 2 I thought to myself: "Finally I can relax a bit..". But then at 7pm, reality struck…

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Day 2 Building Sucks!

On day 2 I started building the Levels and fixing some bugs. I considered having 5 Levels, but in reality I cheated there a little bit. I said I have 5 Levels, but there are only 3 "true" Levels. The first Level is an tutorial…

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Day 1 Lets Start!

 I started with getting some Assets-Ready from the Unity-Asset-Store. I have never used it before and I kind of regret it, because there are so many awesome things for FREE. With this asset, I also had the base on what I need to. So I…

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I am joining the Game Jam 

Today I decided to join a Game Jam on Itch.io. It is the Mini Jam 152 and the Topic is heroes. I think about making a three to five Level dungeon crawler. In this Game, you are the Hero and you have to defeat a…

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Is a faster PC a better PC?

Your first answer probably is Yes, of course, with a faster PC you can accomplish a lot more than with just a simple PC. But this concludes that if you don't do anything which needs a powerful PC, you don't need it. Having an extremely…

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Is LEGO worth its price?

In the recent past I heard a lot about how expensive LEGO is for the amount of bricks they deliver per set. That kept me thinking, why LEGO has these enormous prices. When LEGO invented their clamping blocks, they first had a monopoly for the…

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When does bottlenecking happen?

A bottleneck is a prosses in a chain of processes which has such a low capacity, that it slows down the entire chain. You probably already see that this is a problem you don't want to have, because it limits the performance of the rest.

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Why portable programs are the best.

This probably already happened once in your live too: You want to use a specific program on your windows machine and then you get this message. You cannot count the times I have seen this pop-up. But instead of giving up here, I started digging.

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The difference between a GPU and a CPU

A computer is made out of a lot of different parts. But at some point you may asked yourself: What is the difference between a GPU and a CPU? The CPU (Central-Processing-Unit) is build with a small, define number of cores. These Cores a very strong and…

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Is modding in GTA V ethical?

I recently started modding in GTA V and since then I asked myself multiple times: "Is it ethical correct if I am doing this?". I then went on thinking by myself and these are the pro's and con's I came up with. You could argue…

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Hello, World!

Hello again, and Welcome to my Blog! On this block I want to frequently upload some notes of the stuff I am doing or the Projects I am working on. Feel free to have a look around.

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